A couple months ago we asked farms to share photos of their market booth setups along with some tips and tricks. We've compiled the submissions to share with everyone, we hope you learn something new to implement in your next pop up market. Thank you too all those who participated!
Tamara & Brian Osterman
Suri Serenade Alpacas
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We display our NEAFP socks in the Mayflower Baskets. We put foam cutouts in the bottom to raise the socks (Low-Pro, Survival and Boot) up to the desired height. The baskets are eye-catching and draw attention from a distance. It's a handy way to market both products and since the Survival socks are a best seller, they are prominently displayed!Name
Sarah Conyer
Alpaca Dreams, LLC
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If you use necktie display racks and tiered displays like we do for our alpaca products, arrange them so you can see your customers from behind the tables. We had too many things for the space we were given and we had to keep ducking around our displays to talk with our customers. Next time we will alternate the tall displays with shorter ones.Name
Tacha Gennarino
Genna-rations Farm
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In a 6'x8' booth, we go vertical. We purchased this display online...it is very versatile.When we are at a show with less foot traffic, we scale down our display based on the audience. Here, we have eliminated most of the higher end scarves, but have all of the staples available. Everything fits on a table and is easy to see. My biggest tip when using a table is to get your product at eye level by using bed risers under the table legs...makes a big difference!
At an outdoor event, we use a 10'x10' canopy (make sure it is weighted down WELL or you'll end up having to have someone hold it down. My tip here is to move things to the front of the tent and use up ALL the room from left to right. People don't seem to like to come all the way into the tent and you want to look like you have a lot to offer.
Shirley Lanouette
Hill Crest Alpacas
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We do Simpson Spring Marketplace in So. Easton every Saturday 10 am to 2 pm from October to May 1st. This is an indoor Market and has become an Outlet for customers to shop on Saturday. It is very important to be there every week so your customers can always find you. From June 1st to October we do Westport Farmers' Market an outdoor market and therefore bring alpacas as a draw for the Market and to educate visitors about alpaca and their fleece properties segmenting into product sales.
Brianne Harris
Apple Hill Farm
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We have a single Low Pro and a single Survival sock that has been washed hanging with our socks. This allows people to put the hands down in the sock and really see what they feel like!
We hang all of ours on Gridwall.
Shelly Walsh
Good Karma Ranch Alpacas
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ALWAYS have animals with you and using an old ladder for bed blankets and throws looks nice and keeps them clean.
Barbara Thompson
Alpaca Angels
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My daughter learned to spin yarn and we set up a spinning wheel in the booth. It really drew prospective customers.
Jim Konyn
Hums of Faith Suris
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Inside a storage shed that we rent and sell our products at a local Christmas Tree Farm.
Denise Carone
Green Acres Alpaca
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Always have a Banner and make sure everything is priced.
I sell more socks on the Gulf of Mexico on Anna Maria Island than at Pa Farmers Markets. Emphasizing the Moisture Wicking and Antimicrobial properties!Name
Catherine Brown
Beech Springs Alpacas
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Change things around every few weeks (if it is part of a permanent setup), and otherwise keep it interesting and colorful.Name
Stephanie Syberg
Alpacas Midwest
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Norlander Sock Company sells at various markets and we go out of our way to make our displays seasonally relevant. This photo was from a pop up Winter Market and we decorated with holiday items. We also customized our signs to reflect the current holiday and made sure signage included that day's event.Name
Kathy Albert
Heartland "Criations" Alpacas LLC
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My tip is to brand yourself with your display, so people will recognize you wherever you go!
Ellen Dour
Memory Maker Alpacas
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Sending two pictures from same booth, to show entire display, from a show this past November. This was the first time at this show. A ten foot table was provided, with bleachers behind the table. A strange set-up with the bleachers there but we made the best of it and did very well.
Suggestions: have items priced so customers don't have to ask prices; have several sock size cards, that you all provide, laid out for referral; more popular items towards front of table; I have quite a few photos of our alpacas laid out, and offer them to customers who are purchasing items for gifts, so they can be included with gift; lots of business cards available; also have an alpaca information sheet that talks about their care, their fiber, etc. available if wanted; I have guest log book in my farm store that guests sign and leave email address.....when I have a list of all the bazaars we are going to attend in the fall/winter I email these to everyone on the list (this was a customer suggestion); take credit cards ( we now use PayPal; probably 50 per cent of this past winter's sales were credit); I have a lot of repeat customers each year and they seem to sincerely appreciate that I remember them and often remember what they like to buy each year; I do carry some stuffed animals and always have some of these towards front of tables. It's surprising how many people, of all ages, stop and hold/pet these animals and most often end up buying one or more; have a small mirror readily available for those wanting to try on a hat; for exceptionally nice people, who inquire about farm visits, I always let them know they are welcome to come for a visit (we don't charge a fee as I hear some farms do), call first, and then make their visit enjoyable and fun. Many return year after year and always like to buy more items in the farm store.